Iron Ore – Mineral Beneficiation
A small part of the run-off mine hard massive ore produced from the mine is/will be broken into required sizes manually by the hammers and through the mobile crusher.
Iron Ore – Mining
In the earlier approved Scheme of Mining, it was proposed that both the Raikela quarry in the South Eastern part and the Tantra quarry in the North–East & Western part be developed simultaneously.
Iron Ore – Use of Minerals
Iron ore mined from the lease area is used for sponge iron making, sized manually and by mobile screens. Presently, it is supplied @20,000t/month for use in 2 kiln x 100TPD captive sponge iron plant of M/s Seven Star Steels Ltd.
Iron Ore – Mineral Processing
The Iron Ore Reserve has been estimated under the Proved and Probable Category. The total geological reserve of iron ore is 41235572 T and the mineable reserve is 33973835 T.