Iron Ore – Mineral Beneficiation

A small part of the run-off mine hard massive ore produced from the mine is/will be broken into required sizes manually by the hammers and through the mobile crusher. Metallurgical ore will be prepared in +10-30mm, 5-18, lump/calibrated ore, lump and -5mm fines. The remaining major part of the iron ore will be screened & sold to the consumers as per demand. Water sprinkling is/will be done by a water tanker regularly in & around the screening site for dust suppression. Lumps and fines are/will be dispatched through trucks after weighing as per the demand of the consuming industries. There is a proposal to deploy mobile crushers in the lease area for breaking/crushing of the hard ore. Since the capacity of the mine is enhanced from 378,360t (1st year) to 1,080,000t (5th year) in the scheme period, operating schedule of the crushing / screening plants.