Iron Ore – Mineral Processing

Iron Ore Reserve has been estimated under the Proved and Probable Category. The total geological reserve of iron ore is 41235572 T and the mineable reserve is 33973835 T.

The average grade of iron ore is 58% Fe with a bulk density of 3.0 T/m3 and the cut-off grade is 55% Fe. In the mining lease area, the geological reserve (+58%Fe) is 60% with respect to the total Iron Ore Zone. A small part of the run-off mine hard massive ore produced from the mine is/will be broken into required sizes, manually, with the hammers and the mobile crusher. The metallurgical ore will be prepared in +10-30mm, 5-18 mm, lump/calibrated ore, lump and -5mm fines. The remaining major part of iron ore will be screened & sold to the consumers as per demand.