Iron Ore Production peaks in India and crosses 205 mnt

Iron ore production in India in year 2018 surpassed 205 million tonnes after eight years, mostly on increased production in Odisha. It is 1.55 percent higher than the 202.54 million tonnes recorded in 2017.

The country had produced 209.00 million tonnes of iron ore in 2010 at the height of a mineral boom before the clampdown on illegal mining in the country by the Supreme Court. After that year, the countries production started declining year after year.

Interestingly, despite some mining operations ban reported in the first few months of 2018, Odisha which usually accounts for half of the country’s total output saw marginal growth in iron ore production. Odisha’s production was reported at 99.18 mnt in 2017, but in 2018 it increased to 101.35 mnt amid several mining operations halt.