COVID-19 has achieved the status of global pandemic. It is not just a global health crisis but is also a human, economic and social crisis. It is emotionally challenging for many people, changing day-to-day life in unprecedented ways.
We have introduced a number of precautionary measures across our offices and industrial assets in response to COVID-19. This includes the implementation of enhanced hygiene and cleaning measures, application of social distancing and identification of higher risks groups.
We have always stood with the policy of ‘People comes first’. Our goal is to keep our people safe and healthy, while providing support to the communities in this global crisis.
We also believe that it is our responsibility to develop the local communities through the employment of people who are indigenous to the area in which it operates.
We continue to communicate with our workforce to follow hygiene and quarantine recommendations from the government.
At all our sites, we are continuously monitoring the procedures and operations to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission in our workforce.
Gathering of people are limited as much as possible and social distancing protocol is in place.
All non-essential visits and meetings at site are being rescheduled, cancelled or will take place via virtual platforms.
Odisha has a substantial number of active coronavirus cases, Our personnel have taken the initiative to educate people about the pandemic. We have also stepped forward and distributed the precautionary items which are necessary in this situation. To educate and spread awareness among the villagers, banners and posters have been put up in most villages on which guidelines were mentioned on how to safeguard against the virus. More than 1,200 3-layered safety masks and handwashes were distributed to the household beneficiaries in many villages of Odisha. 1183 household have been sanitized in villages of Jharsuguda District. We have also have supplied more than 1,000 sanitizers to individual families in affected areas.
With a vision to provide empower every individual of the villages, we have made arrangements for the procurement of 10,000 masks. We have also taken the initiative to sanitize project affected areas like villages of Kelda, Kelendamal, Gudigaon, Khunapali and Jammal. We are working to create a quarantine center in these villages so that all the workers who have migrated from certain cities could get shelter to stay in for 14 days before going back to their home. For this we have sanitized all the quarantine centers as a safety measure. We have also sanitized schools to convert them into quarantine centers.
We believe that the health and safety of the employees is of the highest priority and that the adherence to proper health and safety standards is a fundamental responsibility of the company’s management team. We recognise the uncertainty caused by the current environment and endeavour to support our workforce and local communities. In this crisis, we all are standing together.