Advisory regarding Proactive Measures to deal with COVID-19
Advisory regarding Proactive Measures and Actions being taken by Bathwal Corporation Companies to deal with COVID-19.
Iron Ore – Mineral Beneficiation
A small part of the run-off mine hard massive ore produced from the mine is/will be broken into required sizes manually by the hammers and through the mobile crusher.
Iron Ore – Mining
In the earlier approved Scheme of Mining, it was proposed that both the Raikela quarry in the South Eastern part and the Tantra quarry in the North–East & Western part be developed simultaneously.
Iron Ore – Mineral Processing
The Iron Ore Reserve has been estimated under the Proved and Probable Category. The total geological reserve of iron ore is 41235572 T and the mineable reserve is 33973835 T.
Mining Process
Three quarries, namely, Tantra Quarry, Raikela Quarry and Raikela West, have been developed in northern and southern side of the lease area. The details of the quarries have been outlined.