The action plan of the Environmental Monitoring Program (EMP) is being updated every year with respect to the results achieved and activities proposed for next year. Any new regulations circulated by MoEF/CPCB will be taken care of. An adequate budget will be sanctioned while updating EMP.
Sr. | Components | Parameter | Locations | Frequency |
1 | Air | PM10, PM2.5, SO2, NOx, CO, O3, Ni, As, Pb, Benzene, Benzo(a)pyrene, NH3 | Excavation Area, Drilling Area, Crushing Plant | As per the Statutory Requirement. |
2 | Stack Monitoring | PM, SO2, NOx | DG Set | As per the Statutory Requirement. |
3 | Noise Levels | Hourly Leq | At the boundary of the mining lease premises | As per the Statutory Requirement. |
4 | Water Quality (Surface Water & Ground Water) | pH, TSS, TDS, BOD, COD, Oil and Grease, Heavy Metals, Total Coliform (or as stipulated by OSPCB) | As stipulated by OSPCB | As stipulated by OSPCB |
Environmental Cost:
The capital cost for environmental management is 40 Lakh Indian Rupees.
Rainwater Harvesting
Raikela & Tantra Iron mine of Penguin Trading & Agencies Ltd intends to do rainwater harvesting within the ML area as a water conservation measure. Rainwater harvesting will improve the ground water table of the area.
Hydrogeological Study
Hydrogeological study has been carried out towards the impact of Ground Water (GW) drawl on the GW resources of the area. The study concluded that there is no impact on ground water due to mining activity.
Occupational Health
The pre-placement medical examination of all personnel going to be appointed in the mine will be conducted. Periodic health check-ups of the mine workers will also be carried out.